![]() Welcome to Camp Read Smore! Books are your ticket to adventure and this is where it begins. Find your next book in Destiny Quest, take the Superhero Reader Quiz, play the library game or visit our recent happenings. Click around! Happy reading!
I have a dream for my 500 students, a BIG one! click HERE to see it! Dream with me that our city's teachers wake up to a flash funding surprise for our students and NACP kids to receive their own copy of this book!
*** Socktober Tag! You're it! and Candy Buy Back Update ***
(more info to come!)
In addition to what they collected through their Socktober/Tag! You're It! Campaign, students raised $362 with their candy donations. With help from David Shannon, DDS, they will be donating $362 worth of needed dog food and other supplies to their chosen charity: Downtown Dog Rescue. More info and videos to come.
4th Annual Candy Buy Back to Give Back!
Kids will donate candy and Dr. Shannon will pay us $1 per pound up to $500! Candy will be donated to our troops via Operation Gratitude and the kids will vote on which charity (see below) to give it to.
Inspired by our One School One Book, Crenshaw, we're helping New Friends Homeless Center through our collection of socks and toiletries. Now, through our annual candy donation, thanks to David Shannon, DDS, we will help one of the following animal organizations to benefit people experiencing a similar situation to Jackson and Aretha(characters from the book). Students will learn about the three organizations listed below and then cast their vote in our voting booth on November 4th. They'll help tally the results and we'll announce the winner after November 5th. Stay tuned!
Who will our students choose to give the money to? Voting takes place 11/4!
- Downtown Dog Rescue http://downtowndogrescue.org/programs/shelter-intervention-program/ (helps low income/homeless people keep their pets)
- Operation Blankets of Love http://www.operationblanketsoflove.org/ (looks after the well-being of homeless pets and works to increase chances of adoption)
Our One School One Book for 2016-2017 is Katherine Applegate's CRENSHAW!
Crenshaw's Book Trailer
Here because you were tagged? We're excited to "pair" up with you in helping the homeless! Please click on the button below so that we can track our #Socktober progress. "Together we can do so much." -Helen Keller
Curious about our "TAG, You're it!" game? Click play if YOU are ready to play it forward and then sign up using the button at the left! Special thanks to Mr. Jimenez at Box City in Canoga Park for donating our sock collection boxes, tape and so much more!
We had a chance to share our
adventures beyond the pages on Bam Radio/Hooked: http://www.jackstreet.com/jackstreet/WHKD.Spector.cfm |
![]() Our "Tag, You're It!" initiative was conceptualized in part by the one and only Jud Meyers, of Blastoff Comics, a man who wears his invisible cape every day. He's definitely one of our favorite superheroes. Scroll down to learn why.
At NACP, we love our books and sometimes we just have to SING about it! Check out our music video,
"Gotta Keep Reading!" N.A.C.P. is a "place of possibilities" because of these awesome people! |
Our "One School One Book" Launch
Crenshaw Companion Books:
The Sweet Taste of Victory!
Grade level teacher teams competed for a chance to win a Crenshaw puppet for their classroom and a Starbucks gift card. It was a fierce relay ending with a rubber duckie toss into the bathtub on the stage. Watch our book launch video up above for a glimpse of the fun! Congratulations to the Kinder, 2nd and 4th grade teams and to all the participants on a job well done. Students and staff loved it!
"The Wall"
Emily Arrow!
The Amazing Jud Meyers: comic cook store owner by day, superhero by night (and day)
Jud brought Free Comic Book Day to N.E.W. Academy! Look at all of these comics! There was one for every single one of our 500+ students!
For a quick look back at last 2015-2016's amazing adventures, click on the image below.
Click on a month below to see what's been happening at
Camp Read Smore.
Camp Read Smore.
***Arranging our site differently after March 2015. Please click on the dropdown menus at the top of this page for our latest adventures***
March (More OSOB Adventures, Superhero Project)
February 2015 (Author Spotlight Bonanza and Book Talks in Preparation for World Read Aloud Week)
January 2015 (Bookmark Challenge for StudentsRebuild.Org and Bookmark Exchange)
December 2014 (Author Sharon Draper visits our school!)
November (Author Spotlight on Kevin Henkes, Sign Language, Braille, Disney Animator, Comic Book Artist)
October 2014 (Helping Animals, Stephen Hawking, Sharks, Global Message Exchange, Kenya, Mystery Skype, Oz)
September 2014 (Little Free Library, Dot Day, One School One Book Launch)
February 2015 (Author Spotlight Bonanza and Book Talks in Preparation for World Read Aloud Week)
January 2015 (Bookmark Challenge for StudentsRebuild.Org and Bookmark Exchange)
December 2014 (Author Sharon Draper visits our school!)
November (Author Spotlight on Kevin Henkes, Sign Language, Braille, Disney Animator, Comic Book Artist)
October 2014 (Helping Animals, Stephen Hawking, Sharks, Global Message Exchange, Kenya, Mystery Skype, Oz)
September 2014 (Little Free Library, Dot Day, One School One Book Launch)
May 2014 (World War II Veterans, 1st Mystery Skype, Skype with a Yellowstone Park Ranger)
April 2014 (Author Spotlight on Michael Scott and Skype, Poetry Slam and The Curious Garden)
March 2014 (Author Spotlight on Eric Carle and our very own hungry caterpillars!)
February 2014 (Author Spotlight on Frans Vischer and Legos!)
January 2014 (Author Spotlight on Ame Dyckman! Go here to watch our Skype with her and learn more!)
December 2013 (Newbery Award Winning Author Katherine Applegate came to our school!)
November 2013 (We love our veterans! Check out what we were able to do for them with our candy!)
October 2013 (includes our author spotlight on Katherine Applegate, math magic and more)
September 2013 (includes our author spotlight on Oliver Jeffers, Dot Day, our Redwood study)
April 2014 (Author Spotlight on Michael Scott and Skype, Poetry Slam and The Curious Garden)
March 2014 (Author Spotlight on Eric Carle and our very own hungry caterpillars!)
February 2014 (Author Spotlight on Frans Vischer and Legos!)
January 2014 (Author Spotlight on Ame Dyckman! Go here to watch our Skype with her and learn more!)
December 2013 (Newbery Award Winning Author Katherine Applegate came to our school!)
November 2013 (We love our veterans! Check out what we were able to do for them with our candy!)
October 2013 (includes our author spotlight on Katherine Applegate, math magic and more)
September 2013 (includes our author spotlight on Oliver Jeffers, Dot Day, our Redwood study)